
Faculty of Business Economics and Digital Technology

Academic Services

Online lectures

Student login


Study Plan Card


Academic Leave




Graduation Management


Yudisium Management

SOP Layanan Akademik


Provide written standard references for academic administration activities from semester I (one) to the last semester of Academic Administration students at the Faculty of Business Economics and Digital Technology, University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya to support the teaching and learning process so as to expedite all Tridharma Higher Education activities.



Fill in the blanks for student needs, including:

  1. Lecturer Attendance List
  2. Student Attendance List
  3. Study Program Card or Study Plan Card (KPS/KRS)
  4. Initial Data Permission Application
  5. Application for Research Permit
  6. Format for Submission of Proposal Title KTI/Skripsi
  7. Proof of Assignment Collection
  8. Proof of Submission of Proposal and Session KTI/Skripsi

Fill in the blanks for student needs, including

  1. Serving Students for KRS for Her Registration
  2. Type a Letter of Application for Teaching Staff for the Teaching and Learning Process
  3. Arrange class schedule
  4. Absent Print Out for College Students
  5. Input Student Attendance List
  6. Record Student Attendance
  7. Making UAS cards for students
  8. Typing the Application Letter for UTS and UAS questions to the Lecturer
  9. Type UTS and UAS Schedules
  10. Serving students to take UAS cards
  11. Typing questions (UTS, UAS, and UAP)
  12. Typing Honor for Submission of UTS and UAS Questions
  13. Input Correction Value (Remidi)
  14. Record Values (Raw Data and Ranking)
  15. Print Out KHS
  16. Serving Students in Taking KHS
  17. Documenting KHS
  18. Completing Education Routine Reports (EPSBED)
  19. Typing the Application for Internship to the Field (Hospital, Health Center, RB, and BPS)
  20. Typing the Application Letter for Submission of PKL Land
  21. Completed Academic Transcripts
  22. Completing the certificate academi


Person Responsible


Head of Academic Sub-Division




Peraturan Pemerintah RI. Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Pendidikan Nasional (Pasal 86, 87 dan 89)


Kerangka Standar Pengelolaan Institusi

Kerangka standar pengelolaan institusi yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional untuk Akreditasi Institusi


Kebijakan Akademik

Kebijakan Akademik Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya tahun 2009



1. Assignments

The Head of Academic and Student Affairs, Undergraduate and Diploma Study Programs, and PJMK assign tasks to the Academic Administration Section.


2. Assignment Acceptance

The Academic Administration Section receives assignments for Academic Administration activities every semester in accordance with the activities in the Academic Calendar.


3. Consultation

Unclear assignments will be consulted with the assignor (point 5.1).


4. Return Submission

Assignments that have been done in the form of Academic Administration documentation are handed back to the assignor (point 5.1)


5. Document Saved

After completing the entire process of PBM activities related to academic administration, the documents are archived or stored in the Academic Administration Section or secretariat and Study Program.

Diagram Alur



Administrasi Akademik


Matters that have not been regulated in this standard operating procedure will be completed. And if there is a mistake in the future it will be corrected and used accordingly.

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Lots of unforgettable experiences and skill development as long as you are part of the academic community of the Faculty of Health, Nahdlatul Ulama University, Surabaya.