On 23~25 December 2024, three delegations of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) visited four universities in Taiwan. The delegations are (1) Dr. Ubaidillah Zuhdi from Faculty of Business Economics and Digital Technology, (2) Achmad Syafiuddin, Ph.D. from Institution of Research and Community Services, and (3) Mustofa, Ph.D. from Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. The universities in Taiwan that they visited are (1) National Chung Cheng University, (2) St. John’s University, (3) National Taipei University of Business, and (4) National Dong Hwa University.
The main purpose of their visitation to Taiwan is to spread the UNUSA’s wing of international collaboration. As we know, UNUSA has started to reach the global level. The visitation supports the goal.
The delegations found the opportunities to conduct the international collaborations in the future when visiting the universities in Taiwan. For example, when conducting the discussion at St. John’s University, the idea of establishing the Mandarin Language Center at UNUSA appeared. Mandarin for sure will be one of the important languages in the world in the future.
Establishing the Language Center can be seen as the one of the efforts of UNUSA in preparing the next global stage. Certainly, the Language Center will support the students and alumnae of UNUSA to prepare themselves to go to abroad especially to the countries use Mandarin including Taiwan. Along with the INTENSE program from the Taiwanese government, the need for the Language Center is increasingly felt. From the point of view of UNUSA delegations, it will be a good starting point to conduct the international collaborations with St. John’s University.
The other opportunity is to invite the lecturer from Taiwan to be a keynote speaker on the annual event of Faculty of Business Economics and Digital Technology, namely University Forum on International Collaborations and Synergies (UFICS). At this time, the plan for UFICS 2025 is to collaborate with the National Chung Cheng University. The university has College of Management, so it will be a very good collaboration. Certainly, through UFICS 2025 program, the collaboration with National Taipei University of Business is possible to be implemented.
Although the previous discussion with National Dong Hwa University was focused on the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, the opportunity to conduct the international collaboration with the university still exists. This is reinforced by the fact that our faculty has MoA with the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering of the university. The examples of the possible international collaboration with the department are student mobility, and team-teaching activity.
In the near future, our faculty will have a new department, namely the Department of Digital Business. Obviously, the department will have many opportunities in conducting the international collaboration. One of the opportunities is to make the joint international research especially in the topic of AI. Currently, this topic is widely discussed globally.
The other opportunity for the department is to make a double degree program. The program can be applied in the Bachelor or Postgraduate levels. At this time, the double degree program in the Bachelor one is more possible to be implemented. Author: Ubaidillah Zuhdi
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